Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fiverr: How to get noticed


I’ve been with Fiverr for around two weeks and one thing is just bugging me like crazy. No one has hired me yet! I only have a few views on my gig, and I’m sure most of those views are from Fiverr editors. Why aren’t people noticing my gig?!

Well, I know the reason. I’m competing in a heavily saturated market. The market I’m currently in is “vocal narration”. Do you know how many vocal narrators there are on Fiverr? A lot. I’ve searched for my gig on Fiverr and I’m at the very bottom of the vocal narrator’s listing. Well, this explains why I have so few gig views. Who really searches through all those vocal narration gigs to get to the bottom? More importantly, what potential buyer would choose an unknown vocal narrator over a well-known, experienced vocal narrator? But, that is a question for another entry. I’ll get to that question, and its solution, in a later blog entry.

Right now, I want to focus on how to get the most views for my gigs.

So, how do I get a lot of viewers. I have a few tips. They require work, but they will definitely increase your gig views.

Create multiple, similar gigs

Creating multiple gigs will definitely get your name out there. If you create a few gigs, you will likely receive more views than if you had just created one gig. I suggest picking a niche and creating multiple gigs with that niche. Note, these gigs can’t be identical, so make them similar yet different from one another. For example, your niche could be graphic design. For this niche, you could create three gigs offering different services and products related to graphic design. These gigs may be titled “I will create a custom character”, “I will create a custom logo”, “I will create a custom design of your choosing.” These three gigs would attract more attention than one gig. This leads me to my next tip.

Create an enticing and/or descriptive gig name

Catch a viewer’s eye with an interesting and descriptive name. Remember, viewers are likely potential customers. They are probably looking for a gig that suits their needs. So, make your gig name somewhat descriptive so as to pull those viewers into your gig. An enticing name only helps to separate you from the other gigs.

Participate on the forums

Yes, Fiverr has forums. Spreading your name, by participating, on the forums isn’t a bad idea. There are seller and buyer forums. You could participate on either. Feel free to recommend your services to buyers. Network with other sellers. Sellers may recommend you to buyers or the seller may purchase your services on your recommendation.

Work outside your niche

If you have any other skills you want to sell on Fiverr, create gigs for them. This will only work to your benefit as people who click on those gigs will also see your gigs in your primary niche.

Promote yourself

Upon gig creation, Fiverr offers you the chance to promote your gigs via Pinterest and Twitter. Personally, I’m not a fan of Twitter and I’m not even certain what Pinterest is, but use either to promote yourself to the best of your ability.

In conclusion

You need to make your gig stand-out among the hundreds of other gigs likely to be in your niche, so promote your gig in any way possible.

Once you complete your first few jobs and if you did a fine job, word of your services will spread on its own. The hard part is getting started and getting those first few jobs.


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