Saturday, October 12, 2013

Were you scammed? Well, what are you gonna do about it?

Were you scammed recently or have you ever been scammed? It sucks, doesn't it? There are no shortage of scams when trying to make money on the internet. These scams come in all forms, but I want to focus on a specific type of scam: the money-making e-book scam. Not to long ago, when I was first learning about how to make money online, I naively bought a rather pricey e-book. This e-book promised great returns:

I foolishly thought I was getting a good deal...

I spent $40 bucks on a broken, money-making method. This method had a few minor flaws that I could work around. But it also had one major flaw which, to get around it, would cost me nearly $200. I decided to cut my losses and drop the entire e-book.

This incident made me extremely cautious when dealing with e-books, namely e-books you have to pay for.

I put in quite a bit of effort before I learned about the major flaw in this e-book. So, was it all for naught? Could I salvage anything from this mini-disaster?

Now, what I'm about to tell you next applies to any sort of scam you've ever been the victim of. It also applies to any money-making method that isn't necessarily a scam, but it just doesn't live up to your expectations.

After a while, and after a bit of reflection, I learned that I learned a few things from this e-book.

I realized I learned a few, very valuable, things. This e-book introduced me to affiliate promotion, taught me how to manipulate search engine results, taught me a bit about affiliate strategy, taught me how to use keywords to my advantage, and more. 

So, if you've ever been scammed, ask yourself this: Is there anything I can learn from this? Is there anything you can learn from the broken method you were provided? Is there anything you can learn from the scammer's techniques, methods, tips, or tricks? 

More importantly, is there anything you can learn from this incident that you could use to earn yourself a bit of cash? 

Now, that is the question...

I still use e-books. But the e-books I use are provided free of charge. I get them from this site. The link I provided leads you to account registration. You'll need to create an account to visit certain areas of the site. Don't worry, it's free to create an account. Once you have an account, go to the "Money" tab. From here, you can roam freely. Perform your own investigations into monetization and money-making. And, remember, always be careful with whom you deal. 

And, no, the owner's of the website are not paying me to promote their site. Though, I wish they were...

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