Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Delayed "Farewell"

Has it really been over a year since my last post? Wow, where does that time go?! Since my last post, in March of 2014, I've embarked on some wild money-making endeavors. And that isn't counting all the other endeavors I had embarked on since this blog's inception back in 2013. What were these endeavors? I've recounted some of them in the postings on this blog. I won't go into detail about the ventures that happened after my previous post in March of 2014. Let's just say that I've been on some wild and crazy rides. Rides I wasn't quite prepared to take. So, did I make my fortune? Did I win my millions? I'm sorry to report that I haven't won my millions. Kind of disheartening when you consider the nature of The Golden Byte. What kind of credibility can I have if I, the blog's author, haven't made millions of dollars? Or even thousands of dollars? What you are about to hear is likely the most honest report ever delivered by an Internet money-man.

Unlike most money-men on the Internet who are trying to hock off there million dollar ideas for $24.99, I can admit that all of my ideas have failed and failed miserably, at that. Why did they fail? Were they bad ideas? I'll get to this in a bit. First let me give a brief listing of all the ventures I had undertaken during these past couple years. I've been involved in PPD (Sharecash), PTC (Neobux and the now defunct Probux), PPC ( and CPA, GPT, blogging, adsense, review mills (slicethepie), writing mills, selling services (Fiverr), affiliate marketing, surveys, cryptocurrency trading and mining, domain flipping, selling processing power, video-making, web design, forum administration, and more.

Quite a list, right? Just thinking about all of the stuff I have tried is exhausting.

Now, why did my ideas fail? Were they just bad ideas? No, most of my ideas were solid and they could have netted me a bit of profit. So, what happened? I lacked something critical to any venture, money-making or otherwise. I lacked persistence and commitment. All ideas, no matter the idea, require working-hard and working-smart. The key word in both of those is "work". I overestimated by skills, but, more importantly, I underestimated the amount of work I would have needed to put into my ideas. There is no "golden" idea that will net you thousands of dollars within a few minutes time and with minimal work (no matter what those Internet money-men claim). There are better ideas and there are lesser ideas. All ideas require hard-work and persistence. If there is a "golden trick", it is the Three P's: patience, persistence, and practice.* Employee these three P's and you'll likely fare far better than you could have ever imagined.

I do not regret the money I've lost on my ventures or the time I've spent on this blog. I probably didn't lose more than $500 total over these past couple years, which isn't bad. And I've learned a lot about money, people, marketing, money-making, products, services, website creation/design, motivation, and persistence. I've also learned something about myself too. I've learned that I have my ups and my downs and that I should be patient with myself. I do not regret writing on this blog. It has sharpened my writing ability and my wit. Both excellent qualities inside and outside the Internet. I hope my posts, thirty-five of them in total (not including this one), have given you folks some ideas or have guided you onto the right path.

I want this post to be a kind of farewell to The Golden Byte. I didn't want to leave my readers hanging. And this isn't really good-bye. From here on, I'll be posting on my other blog, Cybermantics (explanation below).

I've decided to stop chasing the all-mighty dollar for now, get a part-time job (the horror), return to my university courses, and continue blogging on my new blog Cybermantics. It's not a money-making blog. It's a blog that celebrates my other passion: technology. Check it out and donate. "But wait, didn't you just say you stopped chasing the all-mighty dollar?" Yes, but the pennies I receive from my donation fund go to support my coffee addiction. I don't expect to earn thousands of dollars from it. So, if you like the posts on my new blog, or if you just want to donate a couple pennies out of the goodness of your own heart, please donate to my coffee fund. May the caffeine Gods bless you with energy and relieve you of fatigue!

Well, I guess this is "farewell." Good-bye beautiful friends. I'll see you on the other side. The tech side with robots, computers, and questionable commentaries! Even though I am done chasing the all-mighty dollar, I assume you are not quite done. So, please, remember what I've written about, remember the advice, remember the good times, and remember the Three P's.

And for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT buy money-making ebooks. Everything you could possibly want to know about online money-making can be found, for free, with a simple Google search. Just because something costs money doesn't mean it can make you money.

*The Three P's are really "patience, persistence, and perseverance", but I like my version better because I can't tell the difference between persistence and perseverance, and practice is really important too.

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