Monday, February 3, 2014

Some words of encouragement


The world of online money-making is tough. There is bound to be loads of failure and, subsequently, discouragement for anyone attempting to make money on the Internet. So, for those souls struggling to scrape a few pennies out of their Internet ventures, I have a few words of encouragement. It doesn’t take money or brains or muscle or much else to make money on the Internet. Of course all of the aforementioned help, having them isn’t essential to making money online. There is one essential, however. That essential is commitment. You don’t need to be clever or wise or even intelligent to make money online; you just need to be committed.

I have a few tips that will help you strengthen your resolve and commitment in any situation.

Set goals for yourself

And don’t just set goals for yourself. Set specific goals. And don’t just set specific goals. Set specific goals and state the method you will use to reach those goals. You don’t need to know the nuts and bolts of a method; you can learn about the technicalities later. Just have an idea about the method you’ll use to achieve your goals .

Write out your goals

Is there anything more official than ink on a piece of paper? Writing out your goals not only helps you remember them, it gives you a sense of commitment.

Read your written goals twice daily

Keep your eyes on the prize. Read your written goals twice daily. Once in the morning (preferably, immediately after you get out of bed) and once at night (preferably, immediately before bed). Reading your written goals bolsters your commitment to them. It also keeps your goals in your head. The more you mull over your goals, the more likely you’ll find a way (or a better way) to achieve them.


One more thought…

Feeling discouraged?

It’s natural to feel discouraged when you fail to achieve a goal. When you fail, you can (broadly speaking) do one of two things. You can keep chasing your goal or you can take a break. Both of these options have their uses in achieving goals over the long-term. You must decide when one is to be used over the other.

If you’re really discouraged, I suggest taking a break. If you’re adverse to the idea of taking a break, think of the break as a time to refuel and replenish your strength. You’ll need that strength to achieve your long-term goals.

Relaxation doesn’t necessarily run counter to achieving a goal. In fact, relaxation is often a part of the process of achieving a goal.

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