Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Quid pro quo: the basics of money-making


How could anyone expect to get anything without first giving something? In Latin, “quid pro quo” means “something for something”. Quid pro quo is the basis of most money-making ventures, and most transactions. For our purposes, we’ll focus on money-making. So, how does quid pro quo relate to money-making? It’s simple. To receive money, we must first give something of value to someone.

Now that we know how to receive money, we need to discover what people value. How do we do this? There are many ways to discover what people value. I’ve listed two of them below.

1. Take a look around.

-What are people willing to buy?

-What do people ask for?

-What do people want?

2. Take a look inside.

-What are you willing to buy?

-What do you want?

Better yet, learn why people buy. Why do people buy? To improve their lives. It’s as simple as that.

Now that we may or may not know what people buy. Let’s move on to how to get what people value.

Let’s say that Julia values cars and she’s willing to pay a high price for a good, used car. How do we get the car? We buy it. From where do we buy it? Now that’s the question. I suggest setting up something of a network of sellers. You know that old saying “buy low, sell high”. I suggest buying low from these sellers and then selling high to Julia.

So, what are the primary steps to engage in quid pro quo on a large scale?

1. Discover what people value.

2. Obtain what people value.

3. Exchange what people value for money.

This is the basis of money-making on a large scale. Though, this won’t necessarily tell you the specifics of making money. It’s important to develop a money-making framework first, and then fill in the details later.

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