Monday, November 4, 2013

Affiliate marketing: Spreading yourself too thin


A common mistake many novice affiliate marketers make is spreading themselves too thin. What I mean by this is that these marketers take on too many products at one time. They promote too many products at one time! Why is this bad? Well, first, it’s a waste of time and energy that could have been spent advertising one product on many different media. I’ve known marketers who would take a product, make a slideshow for it, upload the slideshow to a file hosting site, and then repeat this process with another product. Though, this isn’t an absolutely bad thing to do, there are more effective ways of selling products. Second, spreading your efforts too thin won’t get you any sales. Focus on one product, and hammer it on every media.

If you are a beginning affiliate, I suggest you take one product and market it using different media.

I think people underestimate the number of media by which a product can be marketed.

Here’s a couple of ways one product can be marketed:

  • Make a Youtube video advertising the product
  • Upload a product presentation to SlideShare and Docstoc
  • Create a Twitter page for the product (I’m serious)
  • Create a Facebook page for the product (I’m still serious)
  • Advertise the product on existing Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages
  • Advertise the product on any forum you visit
  • Create a website and advertise the product (it’s fairly easy and cheap)
  • Buy advertising space, on the web, for the product

These are just a few of the media you can use to promote your product. Click here if you want more information on affiliate marketing, advertising techniques, and advertising media.

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