Saturday, January 18, 2014

Going bust with Neobux


If you’ve read this, then you’ll likely know how disappointed I am. Well, I am disappointed. I had such high hopes for Neobux. I even made bit of a profit, but I lost most of it, and then some. I lost all the money I invested and I lost most of the profit I had gained from Neobux. I invested and re-invested and it all went bust and I walked away with a severe net loss. I officially quit Neobux a few weeks back after withdrawing what little money I had left in my account. Before quitting, I ran the math on how much money I was “making” with Neobux. As it turns out, my rented referrals weren’t generating enough profit to cover their own costs! So, I was slowly losing money over a long period of time. This is when I realized my Neobux venture was doomed.

Admittedly, I should have “done the math” far sooner than I had. If I had done the math sooner, I wouldn’t have lost as much money. But, yes, my Neobux experience was a painful one. Quite honestly, I can’t figure out how people earn money from Neobux. It just doesn’t make sense. The most clicks you can get from a rented referral is four per day. Needless to say, all of my rented referrals didn’t come close to averaging four clicks per day.

I ran the math. It would have taken 42 clicks for a rented referral to pay for itself, for a month. Most of my rented referrals didn’t hit, or even come close to hitting, that number of clicks. They couldn’t carry themselves let alone carry the bad rented referrals.

Is it possible to generate a good profit from Neobux. Maybe, but you’ll need a lot of direct referrals. I don’t think it’s possible to generate much of anything from just rented referrals. If it is possible to generate a profit from rented referrals, that profit would be very slim and one wrong move (say, paying to keep a referral for more days) could destroy the entirety of any possible profit. The margin of error is far, far too small. Far too much is left to chance when dealing with rented referrals.

This makes me think that Neobux, which is among the most popular PTC sites, is something of a scam. Perhaps it is possible to make money from the site, but like I said, a user would need near perfect management of rented referrals and a good number of direct referrals.

I don’t see how it is possible for some people to earn thousands of dollars on the site. It just doesn’t seem possible. Considering the math, I’d say it’s more likely that the people who “earn thousands” are a select few gifted geniuses, or just people paid to promote Neobux.

Well, Neobux, goodbye and good riddance. I realize there are a good number of screen captures, floating around, which showcase user  accounts filled with thousands of dollars. I think a different perspective is due. Here’s a screen capture of my account summary as it currently is:

Final results Neobux

As you can see, my direct purchases far exceed the amount of money I received. Keep in mind, most of the money I received (around $20), was re-invested in Neobux. In the end, I walked away with $7 after having spent around $50 of my own money and a few months of my time.

What a waste…or, was it a waste? Well, it wasn’t a complete waste. I learned a few valuable lessons from my time at Neobux. Hopefully, I’ll be wise enough to take these lessons into consideration in the future.

To all you entrepreneurs of the Internet, please, for your own sake, thoroughly consider your own actions, and their consequences, before taking them.

Wow, I didn’t expect to type this much…

One Final Note

Funny enough, while I had an account at Neobux, I also had an account at Probux. I worked on both accounts, diligently clicking ads on most days. However, with my Probux account, I walked away with $5, pure profit. Though, I wouldn’t say this is much of an accomplishment considering it took me just over four months to get those $5. Hehe…

I’m exhausted…

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The many ways of making money online

download (1)

Lately, I’ve come to realize how many ways there are to make money online. There is a large amount of general ways and there is an incredibly large amount of “sub general” ways. By “sub general”, I mean ways to make money within ways to make money. Yes, there are many ways to make money online. As a refresher for the veterans (or as a primer for the newbies), I’ll list the general ways to make money online.

Here they are:

PPD (pay-per-download)

PTC (pay-to-click)

PPC (pay-per-click)

PPI (pay-per-install

PPP (pay-per-post)

PPU (pay-per-upload)

GPT (get-paid-to)

Online marketing

Affiliate marketing

Online selling (products and services)

SEO (search engine optimization)

Adsense or Adrevenue (making money from advertising)

Flipping products (both physical and virtual)

Completing online surveys

Cryptocurrency speculation/mining

Resource selling (selling processing power)


Well, it isn’t a comprehensive list, but it’s a good start. There are so many ways to make money online. But that doesn’t make or mean it’s easy. Find a talent or skill within yourself and choose which area of online money-making you are best suited for. Take the time to explore each area of online money-making. Once you find an area you like, or are suited for, gather your talents and skills, and jump in.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My first Slicethepie ebook


After spending nearly half a year on Slicethepie, I’m confident enough to release my first ebook on the site. In this ebook, I explain how to get the most money for your time. I explain how to “game” Slicethepie’s algorithm in order to get the largest payout per review. I’ve been using this “gaming” method for quite a while and it has served me well. This leads me to believe Slicethepie’s staff don’t change (or don’t change often or fundamentally) their payout algorithm. So, enough talk. Here’s a link to the ebook:

I also made a Youtube video for the ebook:

How to make money by being free

free-CharityHowTo-red-button-400x300I know what you’re thinking: How is it possible to make money by being free? Well, rest assured, it is definitely possible to make money by being free. Let’s make this quick.

1. Samples

Everyone who sells a good or service would do well to give away free samples. Free samples give people a taste of what the product or service is like. If the people like the taste, they likely won’t hesitate to purchase the produce or service, provided the price is within their budget.

Please note, the free samples need to be of good quality or else you risk leaving a bad first impression on potential customers.

2. Follow-up products or services

A Follow-up product or service is a product or service that is intended to help maintain or improve a purchased product or service.

For example, let’s say that you are given a free car. The follow-up goods and services would be oil changes, tire rotation, engine maintenance, etc.

Here, the seller doesn’t make money from the initial sale of the car. The seller makes the money from the follow-up products and services.

3. Additional goods and services

These are similar to follow-up products and services, but, unlike follow-up products and services, these aren’t necessary to maintain the initial give-away.

Using the car example again, the additional goods would be heated seats or a built-in skylight.

The additional goods don’t come with the free car. They must be added later.


These are just three areas where money may be made by being free. There are many, many more.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Quid pro quo: the basics of money-making


How could anyone expect to get anything without first giving something? In Latin, “quid pro quo” means “something for something”. Quid pro quo is the basis of most money-making ventures, and most transactions. For our purposes, we’ll focus on money-making. So, how does quid pro quo relate to money-making? It’s simple. To receive money, we must first give something of value to someone.

Now that we know how to receive money, we need to discover what people value. How do we do this? There are many ways to discover what people value. I’ve listed two of them below.

1. Take a look around.

-What are people willing to buy?

-What do people ask for?

-What do people want?

2. Take a look inside.

-What are you willing to buy?

-What do you want?

Better yet, learn why people buy. Why do people buy? To improve their lives. It’s as simple as that.

Now that we may or may not know what people buy. Let’s move on to how to get what people value.

Let’s say that Julia values cars and she’s willing to pay a high price for a good, used car. How do we get the car? We buy it. From where do we buy it? Now that’s the question. I suggest setting up something of a network of sellers. You know that old saying “buy low, sell high”. I suggest buying low from these sellers and then selling high to Julia.

So, what are the primary steps to engage in quid pro quo on a large scale?

1. Discover what people value.

2. Obtain what people value.

3. Exchange what people value for money.

This is the basis of money-making on a large scale. Though, this won’t necessarily tell you the specifics of making money. It’s important to develop a money-making framework first, and then fill in the details later.

All you have to do is ask…


Most people fear rejection, so they don’t ask for much. Try not to be afraid and just ask for something if you want it. How does this relate to making money on the Internet? Imagine you want to build a site. You want the site to have high traffic, so you can make money off of it when you eventually monetize it. The problem is, you don’t know a damn thing about website coding and design. But, fortunately, you know someone who is a pro at website construction. All you have to do is ask him for a few pointers on how to design a website. Or, better yet, ask him to design your website! Is this too much to ask for? Maybe, but you won’t really know until you ask him. If he says “no”, you can just move on. If he says “yes”, well, you have just employed a great web designer who will build you a great website which will make you a lot of money when you eventually monetize it.

All you have to do is ask…

Unfortunately, some folks are really scared of rejection. This fear of rejection, unfortunately, limits their quality of life. Imagine the quality of life boost that could be gained from asking for more stuff, more often.

If you are one of these people, and you are very afraid to ask for things, please read this post and watch the video included in the post.

There’s money in funny


You don’t need to be a genius, or even smart, to figure out that the ability to make others laugh can be quite profitable. For proof of this, you need look no further than Youtube. Take a look at the users who have millions of subscribers. Chances are, those users are very funny. Well, you may not like those user’s brand of humor (which, more often than not, involves over-the-top silliness), but the numbers don’t lie. A LOT of people like that kind of humor. It’s the reason all those people stick around this or that silly Youtube personality. So, in our quest to make money off the internet, how do we use humor to make money?

One method immediately comes to mind. Here are the steps:

1. Upload funny animal videos to Youtube

2. Gain subscribers by regularly posting videos

3. Post or PPD links in the description

It really is that simple. Well, simple to understand, but a bit harder to pull off due to the fact that many, many people compete for views on Youtube. 

Understanding how to make money is a crucial part of the battle to gain money.

If you are going to start posting videos on Youtube, in the quest to make money, I’d suggest using silly humor since it is the humor that appeals to most people.

Also, look at this Youtuber for tips on silly humor. You may not like him, but the numbers don’t lie. He’s a funny guy.

Additionally, keep in mind that, while humor is important, its execution is incredibly important. Humor executed badly will likely bring limited results. So, with this in mind, post videos with great video and audio quality.