Monday, November 4, 2013

Do you know your odds and can you beat them?

Beat the Odds - Three Red Dice

It’s no secret that gambling is popular on the internet. However, gambling isn’t the only venture that depends on chance. Binary Options, a still somewhat recent investment instrument, has exploded in popularity over the past year. Now, you may say that luck isn’t involved in Binary Options since an investor simply has to predict market outcomes to get paid. It is true that not every bit of investing in Binary Options relies on chance, but, ask yourself, what is the investor doing when he invests in Binary Options? He’s making a prediction on whether the option will increase in value or decrease in value. I’m not certain how he would know this ahead of time, so it may be safe to say that he’s relying on chance.

This doesn’t mean that Binary Options are a bad investment idea. There are many ways you can “tilt the scales” in your favor when investing in Binary Options, and most other things. That’s what this entire article is about: knowing your odds and how to stack the odds in your favor.

Discovering the odds

So, how does one go about “knowing the odds”?

You may want to watch these free videos on Youtube. They explain the basics of probability and you’ll likely find them valuable.

Okay, now that you’ve watched the entire series of videos on probability, how does one discover what the odds are?

The answer is observation.

Observe the likelihood of something occurring.

Say you want to know how many lightning bolts hit trees during an average thunderstorm in a particular area. Just look out the window during a thunderstorm, you likely won’t see many lightning bolts hitting trees. You may conclude that the likelihood of lightning bolts hitting trees is slim to none in your neighborhood.

This can be applied to many things.

Say you want to know of the likelihood of success on the pay-to-click site Neobux.

Read reviews on Neobux, read comments, actually join Neobux and discover how easy/difficult it is to earn money.

Now, you may notice something interesting. Different people may have had different amounts of success on Neobux. Why is this? Were some people just luckier than others? Or did the successful people do something to “stack the odds” in their favor?

Stacking the odds in your favor

There is a quote by Thomas Jefferson that I rather like. This is what he said:

"I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."

Too better understand this quote, imagine this:

There are two men stranded on a deserted island.

One of the men decides to make a plan. He makes the plan in his mind and he decides to follow the plan. He gathers wood, leaves, coconuts, and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. He builds a shelter with the wood and leaves. And he digs a rather deep hole in the sand in order to gather clean, drinking water. He also does many other things to make his stay on the island comfortable.

The other man looks around, spots a boulder, then walks over and sits on the boulder. He decides to wait for a rescue ship.

The man who decided to just sit on a boulder died a few days later when he tried to quench his thirst by drinking salt water.

The man who made the plan survived for three weeks and, then, was rescued by a fisherman from a nearby island. 


Both of these men were subjected to the forces of chance. Assuming that they were in the same physical condition, either may have died from a heart attack or a stroke at any moment. However, only one of the men decided to increase his chances of survival while the other man decided to just sit on a rock and wait to be rescued. The first man took action and his actions increased his chances of survival while the other took no action (well, no action that increased his chances of survival).

Now, was one man “luckier” than the other. Yes, but his didn’t appear on its own. The man who survived tilted the scales in his favor by creating the conditions in which he would be the “luckiest”.

Using the lightning scenario again, you could increase the chances that a tree would be struck by lightning by attaching a lightning rod to a tree.

Similarly, you can increase the chances of becoming successful on Neobux by learning about Neobux, learning strategies, discovering how much you should invest, discovering if you should invest at all, discovering if you should use “autopay”, discovering if you should buy or recycle your rented referrals.

Similarly still, say you have to give a speech two weeks from now and you want to get a good grade on the speech. You can dramatically increase your chances of getting a good grade by practicing your speech, researching interesting topics, speaking slowly and fluently, etc.

There are few guarantees in life, and there are many, many unknowns. However, you can stack the odds in your favor by taking certain actions.

That is the central method behind all money-making: taking the right actions and increasing your odds of becoming a success.


If you ever want to be successful at anything, first discover the odds of success, and then discover and take the actions necessary to increase your odds of becoming successful.

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