Sunday, December 8, 2013

Have I actually made any money?


If someone came across this blog today, they may think I’m a millionaire by now. I mean, look at all these wonderful articles I’ve written about money-making methods, techniques, and strategies. How couldn’t I be rich by now? Well, the truth is most of my plans, techniques, strategies, and ventures have fizzled out. I’ve lost time, effort, and even money to failed experiments. I’ve signed up to many “money-making” websites with nothing to show for it.

But, amongst all this failure, I have found one venture that looks promising. I’ve even earned some money from it. I’ve decided to abandon all other “money-making” ventures to fully pursue this one venture that has made me money. What is this venture? Well, I’m into voice-acting/narration. Believe it or not, but this venture has earned me $12 so far and it promises to earn me more in the future. I even have a few prospective customers lined up. It isn’t much, but it’s something. And after all my previous attempts at making money, this one has finally made me money.

Here’s a picture of my earnings on Fiverr thus far:

Fiverr earnings

Why did I decide to take up vocal narration? Well, I had some decent recording equipment which I bought in the summer of 2012. It was just laying around, collecting dust. I also have a somewhat decent voice and I was already signed up to Fiverr. So, I decided to put these items and qualities to use. I put up a vocal narration gig on Fiverr and I waited. It took over a month to get my first job. Then I got another job, and then another. Currently, I’ve had three jobs on Fiverr. I left my customers completely satisfied. I also advertise my services on a forum I frequent. I’ve uploaded vocal samples to both Fiverr and the forum for my potential customers to view. If they like the samples, they hire me. As I said before, I always leave my customers satisfied.

How to create your own success

What can you gain from my story? You may gain success as well if you follow the guidelines below.

First, acknowledge this basic idea: In this world, you need to give value in order to receive value.

That means you must produce quality products or services if you wish people to pay you for them.

Second, discover what you’re good at. Take inventory of your skills and knowledge. What do you know or what can you do that is of value to other people?

Third, show potential customers samples of your work. Your future customers will want to know that you can do what you promise to do.

Join a forum, create a blog, create a web page, or join some service directory in order to show the world what you can do.

Forth, practice practice practice. Be sure you’re getting better at what you do.

And that’s it. You may want to add to these guidelines, but these four basic guidelines are a good start.

Now, get out there and make some money.


End note: I wouldn’t seem credible if I had a money-making blog and didn’t make any money…

It’s a good thing I finally found a way to make some cash.